
Polished Bright Brass Hardware

Choosing hardware for any home renovation project can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first experience. Hardware is no less than the jewelry of your home. It can make or break the entire look of your space. That is why it’s important to have plenty of options when it comes to choosing hardware. Renovation is not just about selecting cabinet styles and countertops or sorting through different white, gray, and black paint shades. Selecting hardware includes everything from door hinges, locksets, and door levers, to cabinet knobs, cabinet pulls, and door stoppers.

Nowadays, your finish options may vary from polished nickel, chrome, oil rubbed bronze, matte black, or last but not least, polished brass. The bright brass is undeniably an excellent option if you’re looking for something with exceptional resistance. The elegant brass hardware against dark backgrounds such as navy blue and gray makes a perfect finished surface.

Fortunately, brass is not just the same metal that manufacturers produced back in the day. Today, you get an overwhelming number of this bright brass finish. Nevertheless, it does require that you get a quick primer to help you select the best brass finish for your home. Don’t worry if you have no idea how to go about it. We have you covered with everything you need to know about polished brass hardware.

What is Polished Brass

Polished brass or bright brass is antique style hardware. Manufacturers polish and finish it with lacquer to prevent patina and tarnish over time. Solid brass is typically an alloy with a ratio of zinc and copper.

Manufacturers use different methods like forged, wrought, die-cut, and cast to make this hardware. Many people tend to opt for polished brass because it is brighter, shinier, and very reflective. Manufacturers electroplate brass and then finish it with lacquer.

Many other metals have the same finish, but they are not as heavy and attractive as brass. Homeowners who have little knowledge about hardware call these metals polished brass. The metals have similarities to polished brass, but they are not solid brass.

Keep in mind that polished brass is more golden and shinier. Many homeowners like to pair polished brass hardware with painted cabinets. Because it has a seal of a lacquer coating, it doesn’t tarnish or age. Moreover, it is one of the easiest finishes to match almost all types of spaces and backgrounds.

Best Uses of Polished Brass

Instead of a complete remodeling of your interior to achieve a look, incorporating bright brass accents is an excellent idea in and around your house. Take a look at these ideas to find out the best uses of polished brass.

·         Bathrooms and Bedrooms

Polished brass hardware such as doorknobs and locks can add a pop of colors to your dressers and vanities. Swapping dull handles and doorknobs with bright brass bring subtle yet prominent changes to your toilet paper holders, towel bars, and bathrooms. That means if you want to add a unique metallic flair without making it garish.

·         Living Rooms and Kitchens

As mentioned above, from shelving to cabinet handles, bright brass can create appealing contrast against metal and wood surfaces. If you like modest style or accents, you can experiment with polished brass hardware for doorstops to add elegance to the areas you mostly overlook.

·         Inside and Out

It is not only kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms where bright brass can create a magic vibe instantly. In fact, you can add polished brass virtually anywhere, from entryway, mudrooms, hallways, to porches. The finish can elevate the items like locksets and hangers. Installing bright brass is an excellent choice as a quick way to breathe life into your space.

Why Choose Polished Brass Finish

There are some exceptional benefits of polished brass over other finishes. Here is a rundown of a few of them.

·         Reliable

Cabinets, pulls, handles, and other hardware you have in your home use different materials like aluminum and iron. Most of them wear down faster with handling and continuous use. However, brass is generally more robust and sturdier.

It remains reliable and sturdy for years. You must know how to identify brass, as many hardware use the same plating and style to protect and preserve the beauty of the material. Polished brass with the coating is 200% more reliable than any other material. That is why manufacturers of hardware use brass for decorative purposes.

·         Long-Lived

If you compare brass with other hardware, it is much higher performing as a material than soft metals. Its antique coating and plating preserve the material for a longer time. That is why it doesn’t erode quickly. Moreover, the extruded shade on brass produces subtle patterns on the surface.

·         Decorative

People like a bright brass finish for not only its durability but also for its ornamental use. With polished brass, you can add a pop of color to darker rooms and cabinets, or tie together a glamorous space with highly reflective golden-hued accessories.

    Summing Up

    Polished brass or bright brass hardware catches a unique light that makes it the right finish to call attention to different areas of your home. Whether you have carpet or walls with an interesting pattern, pair it with polished brass door and cabinet hardware to create a “wow” appeal.  The finish is affordable and adds delicate touches to the entire space.
